Although living in a world of four billion other persons, the individual has a distinctive place in her/his environment to study, to reason, and to decide where he/she stands on all subjects affecting her/his life and actions.

When an individual seeks to do her/his share in society, he/she finds himself/herself amid organizations of massive size and complexity. The reaction 'There's nothing I can do that will matter is something for every individual to avoid. Being independent does not mean being indifferent or neutral on matters of private or public interest.

Every movement that has become great, and every advance made in civilization, started with an individual and was carried to completion by innumerable individuals expressing their individuality in cooperative action.

There is a time to stand up, to take sides, to be heard, to exert influence, to do something.

The importance of education is quite clear. Education is the lifetime pathway to putting one's potential knowledge to maximum use.

Learning begins early in life - very early. Most parents understand that babies are learning from the moment they are born. The brain of a baby who lacks appropriate stimulation - such as being read to, played with or touched and held - will not develop as well as a baby who does receive such stimulation.

Consider the fact that 70 percent of the human brain is developed by age one and 90 percent of human brain growth occurs by the age of three. The critical building blocks of brain activity - vision, language, emotions, attachment, motor skills, and the ability to recognize and mimic human interaction forms during the first three years of life.

Formal education in school continues the process of learning. The changes in our economy and the demands of the workplace make literacy, mathematics, and problem-solving skills powerful predictors of a child’s future success.

Illiteracy is no longer confined to the lack of ability to write and read but now covers a lack of ability to become acquainted with modern technology, in particular computer technology.

It is increasingly clear that in the future, what we 'earn' will depend upon what we 'learn.' Learning subjects in school is not enough. One can learn history, math, and science in school, and be 'book-smart'. In addition, one can learn how to live life by knowing what to say when acting a certain way in certain situations and be 'street-smart'. These two types of knowledge are essential to be successful in life. You can have all the 'book' knowledge in the world, but if you don't know how to behave with your co-workers and or your superiors, having 'book' knowledge won't get you advancement.

Education is a learning journey that helps both individuals and society to find a greater richness of experience, diversity of opportunity, and the challenge to try new and different paths to potential knowledge.

Life-long education is the key that allows people to move up in the world, seek better jobs, and ultimately succeed fully in life. It ensures that schools are but one of the myriads of venues in which it is possible to add to knowledge and life experiences.