My scientific name is Elephas maximus, and my home continent is Asia. I have close relatives in Africa, and in zoos and circuses throughout the world.

I live in the Sinha Raja Forest Reserve, Sri Lanka. Part of the United Nation Environment Program's Protected Areas Programmed.

I try to avoid situations where I cannot make a contribution.
I am quick to implement decisions, and organize projects and people to get things done.

I am also very much aware of the vital role that plants play in our environment - without the oxygen that plants produce, there would be no life on Earth as we know it.

I have a long memory and am fascinated with what things were like ‘in the olden days’.


Ellie presents a wide-ranging mixture of presentation styles, content ready-to-go, often self-corrective, encouraging creativity and imagination, with fun fundamental to every activity.

Learners at this stage are extremely egocentric and want to be the center of attention.


• Can handle tools and materials more skillfully than during preschool years.
• May repeat an activity over and over to master it.
• Will be better at throwing a ball than at catching it.
• Can distinguish their left and right but not in other people.
• Can read words or combinations of words.
• Can collect, sort, organize, and classify.
• Often considers fantasy real.

By the end of this stage most learners will be able to:

•Read at least 50 sight words.
•Locate the main idea in stories.
•Recall the sequence of events in oral and written stories.
•Hold pencils properly, retrace patterns, and write words legibly.
•Use capital letters, and place full stops and question marks.
•Recognize the singular and plural forms of nouns.
•Count to 50 by one's, two's, five's, and ten's.
•Write the numerals to 20.
•Add and subtract numbers up to and from 20.