It many of today’s schools children are rarely allowed to be children. Play is stifled. Students are crammed into a classroom and taught in bulk. Creativity is restricted and they are not encouraged to develop inquisitive minds.

Considering and questioning how and why things happen helps to develop an analytical mind, but this is often ignored by a focus on ‘passing the test’.

The very nature of these tests relies on memorization, repetition, and regurgitation: Tests urge students to provide answers, but they do not train learners on how to find the answers that may have been possible.

Many schools teach students what to think as opposed to how to think, and important critical skills are not addressed.

Do students truly question whatever they read or accept any claim blindly? Do they accept a discovery only if it confirms their biases? If they do this is the wrong type of learning.

We must develop individual thinkers, not mindless believers.