Our first intention was to develop, trial, and assemble packages of highly motivational, visually appealing, user-friendly activities that supported key curriculum outcomes from more than 28 countries throughout the world.

Another important priority was to address important neuroscience and other research initiatives.

We were especially concerned with findings regarding the six-year spread of learning experiences often present in chronologically arranged learning groupings.

These findings highlighted that in an ‘average’ class of seven-year-olds some children, in some areas, could be operating as four-year-olds, and others participating, in some areas, as ten-year-olds. The concepts and implications of ‘individual differences’ had been on the education agenda since the 1960’s but relatively little had been done – the recent ‘six-year-spread’ findings revisited this important issue.

Because of the above, we have not arranged our collections in traditional grades or year groupings and have attempted in these collections to address the ‘six-year spread’ of abilities and interests.

We have adopted the colors of the rainbow – red for early learning and then orange, yellow, green, blue to violet. The animals of the E-Team also follow this pattern – with the color shown in the frames around the names of each collection.

We believe that all learners – whether they be children, family members, or other concerned adults -should be able to exercise personal choice in determining their activities and investigations.

Opportunities to revisit specific activities, revise and renew known skills, or just enjoy ‘old favorites’ are integral to our offerings. 

We also introduce opportunities that provide an element of surprise, telling ’just a little bit more than what had been originally expected.

We are aware that our collections may often ‘look different, but the popularity of our approach, supported by the successes of our learners, has been endorsed over the past two decades.

How we make our collections available does not support a refund policy, but we are willing to provide a different package in the same price range, at a different level free of charge, to all initial clients.